The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

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No plant names match your search for Anthericum chlamydophylla; we will try Anthericum instead.

678 plant name records match your search criteria Anthericum. The results are below.

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See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Anthericum acuminatum Rendle Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum acutum C.H.Wright Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum adenanthera G.Forst. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum adscendens Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum affine Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum aggericola Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum aitonii Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum albovaginatum Peter ex Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum albucoides Aiton Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum algeriense (Boiss. & Reut.) Chitt. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum aloifolium Salisb. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum alooides L. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum altiscapum Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum altissimum Mill. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum amboense Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum amoenum Salisb. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum amplexifolium Engl. ex Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum anceps Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum anceps (R.Br.) Sol. ex Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum andongense Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum angulicaule Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum angustifolium Hochst. ex A.Rich. Accepted H WCSP
Anthericum angustissimum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum angustovittatum Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum annuum L. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum annuum Pourr. ex Willk. & Lange Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum anthericoideum Hochst. ex A. Rich. Unresolved L TRO
Anthericum aphyllum Forssk. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum apicicola K.Krause Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum apodastanthum J.D.Sm. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum arenarium Baker [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum argentinense (Hauman) Guagl. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum aristatum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum arkansasense Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum articulatum Hutch. [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum arvense Schinz Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum arvense var. rigidum Suess. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum asperatum (Kunth) Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum asphodeloides L. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum asphodelum Forssk. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum atacorense A.Chev. [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum aurantiacum Baker ex Hemsl. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum aurantiacum Baker Synonym M TRO
Anthericum auratum Fisch. ex Trautv. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum autumnale (L.) Scop. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum bachmannii Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum baeticum (Boiss.) Boiss. Accepted H WCSP
Anthericum bakerianum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum basilanatum Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum basutoense Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum benguellense Baker [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum beretumense Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum betschuanicum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum bichetii Backer Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum bicolor Desf. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum bifoliatum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum bifolium (L.) Scop. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum bipedunculatum Jacq. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum bisulcata Haw. Unresolved L TRO
Anthericum blepharophoron Schult. & Schult.f. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum blepharophyllum Peter ex Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum boliviense Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum bolusii Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum bornmuellerianum Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum brachyphyllum Suess. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum brachypodum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum bracteatum Thode ex Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum bragae Engl. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum brasiliense Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum brehmeanum (Schult. & Schult.f.) Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum brehmerianum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum brehmerianum var. longibracteatum Poelln. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum breviantheratum Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum brevicaule Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum brevifilamentatum Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum brevifolium Thunb. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum breviscapum De Wild. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum brevitepalum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum brunneomarginatum Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum brunneoviride Dinter ex Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum brunneum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum buchananii Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum buchubergense Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum bulbine Houtt. Unresolved L TRO
Anthericum bulbinifolium Dinter Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum bulbosum R.Br. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum burgeri Cufod. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum burkei Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum bussei Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum caeruleum Ruiz & Pav. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum caespitosum Dinter Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum cajamarcaense Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum calyculatum L. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum calyculatum Georgi [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum calyculatum Pall. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum calyptrocarpum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum cameronii Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum campestre Engl. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum canaliculatum Aiton Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum capillare (Poir.) Spreng. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum capillatum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum capitatum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum carnosum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum cauda-felis L.f. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum caudatum Thunb. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum caulescens Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum cepifolium Dinter & Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum cernuum Hornem. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum chamaemoly Hochst. ex A.Rich. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum chandleri Greenm. & C.H.Thomps. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum chlamydophyllum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum ciliare Peter ex Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum ciliatum (Kunth) Spreng. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum ciliatum (Kunth) Schult. & Schult.f. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum ciliatum L.f. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum ciliatum var. argentinense Hauman Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum ciliolatum (Kunth) Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum cirrhatum G.Forst. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum cirrifolium Schinz Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum claessensii De Wild. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum coarctatum Ruiz & Pav. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum collinum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum collinum Ravenna [Illegitimate] Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum colubrinum Welw. ex Baker [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum comosum Thunb. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum condensum H.E.Moore Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum × confusum Domin Accepted H WCSP
Anthericum congestum Adamson Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum congolense De Wild. & T.Durand Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum conrathii Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum contortum L.f. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum cooperi Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum corymbosum Baker Accepted H WCSP
Anthericum corymbosum var. floribundum Chiov. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum costatum Andrews [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum crassinerve Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum crassiusculum Dinter Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum crinitum Standl. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum crispum Thunb. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum croceum (Michx.) Schult. & Schult.f. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum curvifolium K.Krause Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum curviscapum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum cyperaceum Kies Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum dalzielii Hutch. ex Hepper Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum deflexum A.Chev. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum deightonii Hutch. ex Berhaut Unresolved L TRO
Anthericum delagoense Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum dendroides Hoffm. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum depauperatum Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum dianellifolium Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum dielsii Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum diliatatum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum dimorphum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum dinteri Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum diphyllum Dinter Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum dissitiflorum Baker [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum divaricatum Baker ex Schinz [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum divaricatum Jacq. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum diversifolium Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum djalonis A.Chev. [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum dorsetii Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum dregeanum (Kunth) Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum drepanoides Greenm. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum drepanophyllum (Baker) Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum drimiopsis Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum dubium (Schult. & Schult.f.) Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum durangense Greenm. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum durangense var. trachycaulum Greenm. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum durum Suess. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum durum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum eccremorrhizum Ruiz & Pav. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum echeandioides (Schltdl.) Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum elatum Aiton Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum eleutherandrum (K.Koch) H.E.Moore Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum elongatum Willd. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum elongatum var. flexifolium Baker Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum elongatum var. holostachyum Baker Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum englerianum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum ensatum Banks & Sol. ex Hook.f. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum ensifolium Sölch Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum ensiforme Vell. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum ericetorum Bergeret Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum erraticum Oberm. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum erythrorrhizum Conrath Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum esculentum (Nutt.) Spreng. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum excellens Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum exellii Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum exuviatum Jacq. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum falcatum Welw. ex Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum falcatum L.f. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum fallax Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum fasciculatum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum fastigiatum (Poir.) Steud. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum favosum Thunb. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum fernandesii Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum fibrosum Hutch. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum filifolium Thunb. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum filifolium Jacq. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum filiforme Aiton Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum filiforme Thunb. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum filiforme var. affine (Kunth) Rendle Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum filiforme var. longifolium Rendle Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum filiforme var. pyrenicarpum (Welw. ex Baker) Rendle Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum filiforme var. reflexipilosum Kuntze Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum fimbriatum (R.Br.) Steud. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum fimbriatum Thunb. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum fischeri Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum flagelliforme Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum flavescens Schult. & Schult.f. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum flavoviride Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum flexifolium L.f. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum flexifolium Jacq. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum flexuosum R.Br. ex Benth. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum floribundum Aiton Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum foliatum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum fragrans Jacq. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum friesii Weim. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum frutescens L. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum fruticosum Salisb. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum fugax Moris Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum galpinii Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum galpinii var. matabelense (Baker) Oberm. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum galpinii var. norlindhii (Weim.) Oberm. Synonym L TRO
Anthericum gambuense Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum geayanum H.Perrier Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum gerrardii Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum giffienii F.M.Leight. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum giganteum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum gilvum K.Krause Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum gilvum var. brunneolum Poelln. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum giryamae Rendle Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum glabrum Adamson Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum glandulosum Dinter Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum glareosum Ravenna [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum glaucum Ruiz & Pav. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum glaucum var. ancachsense Poelln. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum glaucum var. andinum Poelln. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum glaucum var. tarmaense Poelln. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum glutinosum Dinter Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum gmelinianum Schult. & Schult.f. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum goetzei (Engl.) Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum gossweileri Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum gracile Salisb. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum gracile Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum gracilitepalum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum gracillimum Regel [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum graecum L. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum gramineum Vell. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum gramineum Baker [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum gramineum Poelln. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum graminifolium Willd. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum graminiforme Dulac Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum graminoides Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum grandiflorum Salisb. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum grantii Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum grantii var. muenzeri Engl. & K.Krause Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum graptophyllum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum gregorianum Rendle Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum guatemalense Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum hamatum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum harrarense Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum haygarthii (J.M.Wood & M.S.Evans) Kies Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum hecqii De Wild. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum hereroense Schinz Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum herrerae Killip [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum heynei Rottler ex Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum hickenianum Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum hirsutiflorum Adamson Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum hirsutum Thunb. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum hispidum L. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum hockii De Wild. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum homblei De Wild. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum hookeri Colenso ex Hook.f. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum huandarense Ravenna [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum humboldtii Hemsl. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum humile Hochst. ex A.Rich. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum hyacinthoides Willd. ex Kunth Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum hypoxiforme H.Perrier Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum immaculatum Hepper Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum incohatum Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum inconspicuum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum incurvum Thunb. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum indutum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum inexpectatum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum intermedium Willk. [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum intricatum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum involucratum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum islayense Ravenna [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum jacquinianum Schult. & Schult.f. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum jacquinianum var. affine (Kunth) Baker Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum jaegeri Engl. & K.Krause Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum jamesii Baker Accepted H WCSP
Anthericum japonicum Thunb. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum junciforme Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum junodii Baker ex Schinz Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum kapiriense De Wild. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum kassneri Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum kemoense Hua [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum kilimandscharicum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum korrowalense Engl. & K.Krause Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum koutiense A.Chev. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum kovismontanum Dinter Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum krauseanum Dinter Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum kunthii Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum kyimbilense Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum kyllingioides K.Krause Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum lacustre Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum lagopus Thunb. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum lanatum Dinter Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum lanzae Cufod. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum latifolium (Kunth) Schult. & Schult.f. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum latifolium Banks & Sol. ex Kunth. [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum latifolium L.f. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum laurentii De Wild. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum laurentii var. minor De Wild. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum laxum N.E.Br. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum ledermannii Engl. & K.Krause Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum lehmannii Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum leptophyllum (Benth.) Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum leptophyllum var. grandiflorum Poelln. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum leptophyllum var. lanceolatum Poelln. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum leptophyllum var. tenue (Weath.) Poelln. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum leucocomum B.L.Rob. & Greenm. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum liliagastrum Engl. & Gilg. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum liliago L. Accepted H WCSP
Anthericum liliago subsp. algeriense (Boiss. & Reut.) Maire & Weiller Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum liliago var. australe Willk. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum liliago var. baeticum (Boiss.) Ball Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum liliago var. font-queri (Sennen & Mauricio) Maire Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum liliago f. geminiflorum Maire Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum liliago subsp. macrocarpum Boros Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum liliago f. macrocarpum (Boros) Soó Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum liliago var. multiflorum P.Küpfer Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum liliago var. rhiphaeum (Pau & Font Quer) Maire Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum liliago var. sphaerocarpum P.Küpfer Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum liliastrum (L.) L. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum limaense Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum limaense var. arequipaense Poelln. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum limaense var. chilense Poelln. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum limbamenense Engl. & K.Krause Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum limosum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum longibracteatum Dinter Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum longiciliatum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum longifolium A.Rich. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum longifolium Jacq. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum longipedicellatum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum longipedunculatum Steud. ex Schult. & Schult.f. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum longipes N.E.Br. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum longiscapum Jacq. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum longisetosum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum longistylum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum longituberosum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum lowryense Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum lukiense De Wild. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum lunatum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum lusitanicum (Cout.) Samp. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum lydenburgense Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum macbridei K. Krause Unresolved L TRO
Anthericum machupiccense Ravenna [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum macowanii Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum macranthum Baker ex Schinz [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum macrocarpum Boros Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum macrophyllum A.Rich. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum macrophyllum Baker ex Hemsl. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum maculatum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum magnificum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum makoyanum Regel [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum malchairii De Wild. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum malosanum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum mandaianum auct. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum mandrarense H.Perrier Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum marginatum Thunb. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum matabelense Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum matogrossense Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum mattiazzii Vand. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum maurum Rothm. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum mendoncai Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum mesembryanthemoides Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum micranthum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum milanjianum Rendle Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum mildbraedii Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum milleflorum DC. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum minus (R.Br.) Steud. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum molle Baker [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum monophyllum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum montanum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum monticola Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum montium-draconis Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum muenzeri (Engl. & K.Krause) Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum multiceps Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum multisetosum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum muricatum L.f. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum nanum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum nanum var. rude Baker Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum nataglencoense Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum natalense Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum neghellense (Cufod.) Bjorå & Sebsebe Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum nelsonii Greenm. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum nematodes Schult. & Schult.f. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum nepalense (Lindl.) Spreng. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum nervosum Hua [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum nguluense Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum nidulans Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum nigericum Hepper Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum nigrobracteatum Dinter Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum nimmonii J.Graham Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum niveum (Poir.) Spreng. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum nodulosum Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum non-ramosum Gilib. [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum non-scriptum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum nubicum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum nudicaule Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum nutans Thunb. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum nutans Jacq. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum nuttallianum Schult. & Schult.f. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum nyasae Rendle Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum oatesii Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum obtusifolium Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum odoratissimum Dinter Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum oehleri Engl. & K.Krause Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum oligotrichum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum omissum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum oocarpum Schltr. ex Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum orchideum Welw. ex Baker [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum ornithogaloides Hochst. ex A.Rich. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum ornithogaloides (Kunth) Baker [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum ossifragum L. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum ossifragum Georgi [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum otavense Engl. & K.Krause Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum pachyphyllum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum pachyrrhizum Dinter Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum pallidiflavum Engl. & Gilg. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum paludosum Engl. & K.Krause [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum palustre Salisb. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum palustre Adamson Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum panamense Standl. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum paniculatum Haw. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum papillosum Engl. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum pappei Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum paradoxum Schult. & Schult.f. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum parkeri Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum parviflorum (Wight) Benth. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum parviflorum Hicken [Illegitimate] Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum parvum N.E.Br. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum pascuorum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum patulum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum pauciflorum Thunb. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum paucinervatum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum pauper Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum peculiare Dinter Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum pendulum Hornem. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum pendulum Engl. & K.Krause [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum peronatum (Kunth) Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum peruvianum Willd. ex Kunth [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum peteri Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum physodes Jacq. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum pilosicarinatum Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum pilosiflorum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum pilosissimum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum pilosum Jacq. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum pilosum Baker [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum planifolium L. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum platyphyllum Greenm. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum platyphyllum var. jalapaense Poelln. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum platyphyllum var. longiusantheratum Poelln. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum platyphyllum var. michoacense Poelln. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum pleiophyllum Schltr. ex Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum pleiostachyum Welw. ex Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum plumosum Ruiz & Pav. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum polyphyllum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum pomeridianum (DC.) Ker Gawl. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum porense Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum praemorsum Jacq. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum praetermissum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum pratense Ravenna [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum pretoriense Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum princeae Engl. & K.Krause Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum princeae var. latifolium Poelln. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum pringlei Poelln. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum pseudoasphodelus Jacq. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum pseudofalcatum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum pseudopapillosum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum pterocaulon Welw. ex Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum puberulum Weim. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum pubescens Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum pubiflorum Peter ex Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum pubirhachis Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum pudicum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum pugioniforme Jacq. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum pulchellum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum pumilum Hua [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum pungens Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum purpuratum Rendle Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum purpuratum var. longipedicellatum Poelln. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum pusillum Jacq. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum pygmaeum Weim. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum pyrenicarpum Welw. ex Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum quadrifidum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum quamash (Pursh) Steud. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum radula Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum ramiferum Peter ex Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum ramosissimum (C.Presl) Schult. & Schult.f. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum ramosum L. Accepted H WCSP
Anthericum rangei Engl. & K.Krause Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum rautanenii Schinz Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum recurvatum Dinter Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum recurvifolium Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum reflexum Cav. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum rehmannii Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum remotiflorum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum revolutum L. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum rhodesianum Rendle Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum rigens Poelln. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum rigidifolium Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum rigidum (Kunth) Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum rigidum K.Krause [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum rigidum De Wild. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum rigidum var. breviscapum De Wild. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum robustulum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum robustum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum rosenbrockii Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum roseum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum rossii (Hook.f.) Hook.f. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum rostratum Jacq. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum rouwenortii Gorter Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum rubellum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum rubribracteatum De Wild. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum rubrovittatum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum rudatisii Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum russissiense Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum rustii Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum ruwense De Wild. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum sabulosum Adamson Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum salteri F.M.Leight. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum saltii Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum saltii var. oatesii (Baker) Cufod. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum sardoum Kunth Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum saundersiae Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum saxicola Engl. ex Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum scabrellum (Benth.) Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum scabromarginatum Schltr. ex Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum scabrum L.f. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum scariosum A.V.Duthie Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum schlechteri Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum schultesii (Kunth) Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum schunkei Krause,K. Unresolved L TRO
Anthericum scilliflorum Eckl. ex Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum scilloides (Poir.) Schult. & Schult.f. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum secundum K.Krause & Dinter Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum seineri (Engl. & K.Krause) Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum semibarbatum R.Br. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum semibarbatum Hook. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum senussiorum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum serotinum Baker [Illegitimate] Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum serotinum (L.) L. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum serpentinum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum sessile Mill. Synonym M TRO
Anthericum sessiliflorum Steud. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum setiferum Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum setosum Willd. ex Schult. & Schult.f. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum siccisilvarum Krause,K. Unresolved L TRO
Anthericum simplex Willd. ex B.D.Jacks. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum skinneri Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum sofiense H.Perrier Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum speciosum Rendle Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum sphacelatum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum spirale L. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum spiratum Thunb. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum spongiosum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum sprengelii Rusby [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum squamatum Sessé & Moc. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum squameum L.f. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum stenanthum Ravenna Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum stenocarpum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum stenophyllum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum stenophyllum Adamson [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum sternbergianum Schult. & Schult.f. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum stolzii Engl. & K.Krause Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum stuhlmannii Engl. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum subcontortum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum sublanatum Dinter Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum submaculatum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum subpapillosum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum subpetiolatum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum subpilosum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum subtrigynum Jacq. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum subulatum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum subulatum var. longibracteatum Poelln. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum succulentum Salisb. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum suessenguthii Sölch Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum suffruticosum (Baker) Milne-Redhead Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum sulphureum Waldst. & Kit. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum superpositum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum sylvestre S.Moore [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum tabulare Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum taylorianum Rendle Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum tenellum Welw. ex Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum tenue Weath. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum tenuifolium Adamson Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum tenuissimum A. Chev. Unresolved L TRO
Anthericum thyrsoideum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum ticsanianum Ravenna [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum torreyi Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum torreyi var. arizonicum Poelln. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum torreyi var. etlaense Poelln. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum torreyi var. lanceolatum Poelln. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum torreyi var. neomexicanum Poelln. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum tortifolium Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum tortile Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum tostum Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum transvaalense Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum trichophlebium Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum trifarium Sol. ex Skottsb. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum triflorum Aiton Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum triflorum var. minor Baker Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum trinervium Viv. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum tripedale Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum triphyllum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum triquetrum L.f. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum triquetrum var. trinervis Baker Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum tropicum Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum tuberiferum Hutch. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum tuberiferum Dinter ex Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum tuberosum Roxb. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum tuberosum Hook.f. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum tuberosum De Wild. [Illegitimate] Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum tubiferum Dinter Unresolved L TRO
Anthericum tumidum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum tunarianum Ravenna [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum turuense Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum ugogoense Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum ulugurense Engl. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum uncinatum Weath. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum undulatifolium Engl. ex Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum undulatum Jacq. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum undulatum Thunb. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum uniflorum Roxb. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum unifolium Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum unilineatum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum unyamweziense Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum urumburense Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum useguhaense Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum usseramense Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum usseramense var. occidentalis A.Chev. Synonym L WCSP
Anthericum ustulatum Welw. ex Baker [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum uyuiense Rendle Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum vaginatum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum validum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum vallis-trappii Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum variegatum auct. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum velutinum De Wild. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum venulosum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum vermiculare Sol. ex Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum verruciferum Chiov. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum vespertinum Jacq. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum vestitum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum vestitum Schinz [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum villosotepalum Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum villosum Labill. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum viridulobrunneum Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum viruense Ravenna [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum viscosum (Kunth) Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum volcanense Ravenna [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum volkii Sölch Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum warneckei Engl. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum weberbaueri Poelln. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum weissianum Dinter Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum welwitschii Marais & Reilly Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum whytei Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum williamsii auct. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum wilmsii Diels ex Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum xylorrhizum Engl. & Gilg. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Anthericum yedoense Maxim. ex Franch. & Sav. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum zanguebaricum Baker Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum zavattarii Cufod. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum zebrinum Schltr. ex Poelln. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum zenkeri Engl. Synonym H WCSP
Anthericum zeyheri Baker Synonym H WCSP